Mary’s Mosaic: The CIA Conspiracy to Murder John F. Kennedy, Mary Pinchot Meyer, and Their Vision for World Peace: Third Edition by Peter Janney

Part 2 of 3

The author relays the well-known story of the CIA crop-dusting LSD on the town of Pont-Saint-Esprit in 1951 causing mass hysteria and four suicides.  It still amazes me that nothing happened of it.  No heads rolled.  That’s what happens when you’re the most powerful nation on the planet, crop-dust an ally with LSD for shits and giggles.  Undoubtedly, they used similar biological warfare in Korea and Vietnam, but we would know little of a town in Korea or Vietnam all going insane from being crop-dusted with LSD.  They would have just suffered and concluded it was just some mass hysteria from the traumas of war. 

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Apparently, according to the author, Mary gave JFK LSD so it would enhance his desire for world peace and harmony.  I think it’s extremely naïve to believe that psychedelics can transform people like that.  First of all, there’s set and setting and context.  Just giving them a psychedelic will just make them feel weird and strange, as evidence in Point-Saint-Esprit.  When LSD was administered to a village in France, they didn’t all turn into peaceniks.  Many thought they were simply going insane, and four people killed themselves.  If you tell someone that taking psychedelics will make them want world peace and harmony, you’re prepping and biasing them.  What psychedelics can do is open your mind, but once your mind is open, that means someone can come in and implant a belief, attitude, or idea that will take root. 

But this can be done a number of ways besides psychedelics.  When coaches push their athletes hard, and then in the midst of great exertion tell their athletes that they are powerful, strong, and resilient, this can help the athlete gain confidence and become powerful, strong, and resilient.  Likewise, a coach can also tell an athlete that he’s a wuss, weak, and useless, and for the rest of his life, that athlete will believe that.  You can do the same with hypnosis or sleep deprivation or during an incredible artistic performance of any sort where the unconscious mind is much more receptive to influence.  Psychedelics work in part, because the user loses conscious control over the situation and hence, their unconscious minds are clear and free to absorb whatever they are experiencing which will be more lasting than if the conscious mind were analyzing and filtering everything. 

There’s a study showing chimpanzees touching a screen with numbers 1 to 10 and when they’re only shown for a split second, the chimpanzees can remember where all the numbers were better than humans.  The reason is not because chimps are smarter than humans, of course.  The reason is because the chimps are not using their conscious minds to analyze and filter the information which undermines your ability to remember where all the numbers were in a split second.  The same reason that you can’t remember people’s names a second after they tell you.  Your mind is more occupied with reading signals from the other person to determine whether they are a threat or not.   

The reason psychedelics can be a great therapy for PTSD is that it helps you escape the structured, linear world where you experienced the trauma and where it persists.  In another world, the trauma is reframed along with your ego.  If the trauma is attached to your ego, and you let go of your ego, you also let go of the trauma.  It may well have helped JFK deal with past traumas under proper therapeutic guidance, but it would not have suddenly turned him into a peacenik. 

If one’s desire for power is attached to one’s ego, and that is the reason they want war and empire, then yes, taking psychedelics would help release them from the grip of their ego and diminish their desire for power and empire.  But it can often backfire too.  Psychedelics can also make you feel like you are everything, at one with everything, and for some people, especially narcissists, they start to feel like they are god or at least god’s messiah.  Then they start acting like a god and expect people to follow them, and as a god, they don’t believe normal rules, morals, ethics, or laws apply to them.  In other words, for some people, psychedelics can mellow them out and make them less selfish and shallow, but for others, like Charles Manson, an already disturbed mind, it can amplify their narcissism and make them think they’re god and the devil and human life is a meaningless illusion allowing for murder and mutilation.

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A fascinating aside in the book is when the author alleges that President Eisenhower was trying to initiate peace with the Soviets so that he could “cut the defense budget and redirect resources toward America’s domestic needs.”  The military-industrial complex struck back, and according to the author, “the CIA engineered the May 1 [1960] downing of its own U-2 reconnaissance spy flight over Russian territory as a way to undermine any possibility of rapprochement with the Soviet Union.”

“President Truman’s 1948 National Security Council (NSC) had so imbued the Agency with unchecked, absolute power, it threatened the entire foundation of America’s constitutional premise.

That year the NSC approved what became known as “Top Secret Directive NSC 10/2,” a virtual bottomless pit of nefarious, illegal quicksand.  The directive defined covert operations as actions conducted by the United States against foreign states “which are so planned and executed that any US Government responsibility for them is not evident to unauthorized persons and that if uncovered the US Government can plausibly disclaim any responsibility for the.”  Creating what came to be known as “plausible deniability,” the directive sanctioned and authorized US intelligence, principally the CIA, to carry out a broad range of clandestine activities and paramilitary operations that included preventive direct action, propaganda, economic warfare, sabotage, demolition, subversion against “hostile states,” assassinations, and “support of indigenous anti-communist elements in threatened countries of the free world.”  Years later, George Kennan, the directive’s original sponsor and architect, bluntly told Yale historian John Lukas: “That was the greatest mistake I ever made in my life, because you know what the Central Intelligence Agency has devolved or evolved into.””

Give the CIA the power to murder heads of state, and voila, it murders the head of state of its own government.

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Much like the Chaos book on Charles Manson, while the book is about Mary Pinchot Meyer, it is also a book about the CIA.  “On July 20, 1961, during heightened tensions over Berlin, President Kennedy attended a National Security Council meeting.  He listened attentively as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including General Lyman Lemnitzer and Allen Dulles, who was still in charge at the CIA, presented a plan for a first-strike, preemptive nuclear attack on the Soviet Union that would take place in late 1963, preceded by a well-orchestrated series of events designed to produce “heightened tensions” between the two superpowers.  The scheme for “heightened tensions” was eventually code-named “Operation Northwoods,” and it had the written approval of all the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon.”  “People would be framed for bombings they did not commit; planes would be hijacked.  Using phony evidence, all of it would be blamed on Castro…”  Doesn’t sound like 9/11 at all, planed being hijacked, heightened tensions and fear of terrorism and Islamic radicals, phony evidence.  Apparently, 9/11 may well have been born out of a simple directive in 1948, NSC 10/2.

It is absolutely insane that a small group of unelected people who may well have killed the US President were considering and planning a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union that would have initiated a nuclear war and counterstrike leading to the deaths of tens of millions of Americans and forever polluted the world with nuclear radioactive fallout.  A Soviet counterstrike would just initiate another series of US strikes leading to the complete and total annihilation of both countries causing catastrophic nuclear fallout all over the planet and billions more deaths from that radioactive fallout.  All this for the slim chance that the US would prevail and become the world’s single superpower and be able to make even greater profits from the rest of the world.  It is pure insanity. 

The author has a very sympathetic view of Mary Meyer.  He believes that she had a falling out with her husband, because he had turned to the dark side and joined the CIA and even created noteworthy innovations that extended the reach and scope of the CIA.  Is it just coincidence that Mary was having an affair with JFK, and JFK was at war with the CIA, and Mary just happened to be married to a CIA leader?  Is it possible that her CIA husband had somehow convinced her to have an affair with JFK just to give the CIA access to the president and his inner-most thoughts?  Would this not have been one of the greatest CIA covert operations of all time, direct access to the inner-thoughts of the US President, one that hated the CIA and had veritably declared war on it?  It is no secret that the CIA uses women to lure foreign leaders to bed and get inside their heads.  In the least nefarious scenario, she simply reports on what JFK is thinking and how he is reacting to certain international events.  In the most nefarious scenario, she’s feeding him LSD to confuse and cloud his mind, and she’s surreptitiously planting thoughts in his head while he’s under the influence about the threats of Communism and the need for the CIA to continue covert operations to undermine it. 

It’s also quite possible that Mary had succeeded in what she had allegedly tried to do, and that is completely and totally change JFK’s mindset and open it to the psychedelic sensation that we are all one, Commies, black people, Capitalists, white people, we are all one.  Why on Earth waste all our time, energy, and focus on division and war when we are all just one big organism.  After all, one could argue that since LSD is synthesized from the ergot fungus, and fungus is one of the most symbiotic organisms in nature, capable of being used as an information network for trees, LSD makes us more symbiotic.  Is it possible that Mary transformed JFK and helped him turn his back on the Cold War warriors and mentality?  Was it just a coincidence that Mary’s husband was a powerful CIA spook?  After all, Mary wanted to divorce Cord.  Why would she be so willing to do his bidding for the CIA if she despised him? 

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The book also brings up the curious story of Phil Graham, publisher and co-owner of the Washington Post.  Apparently, he knew about the CIA infiltration of the US media and threatened to call it out.  He died of an alleged suicide after being sent to a CIA-used mental hospital. 

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What happened right after JFK’s assassination brings up a lot of questions and points to unusual and questionable activities.  The Zapruder film was brought to a CIA lab, the National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC).  One employee, Homer McMahon, watched the tape.  “After reviewing the 16-millimeter film at NPIC that Sunday evening, November 24, with his assistant Morgan Bennett Hunter, he [Homer McMahon] was sure, he told the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board], that “about eight (8) shots” had been fired at the president’s limousine.””

The narrative given was that there were only three shots from the book depository.  “”And where did they come from?” Gunn [Jeremy Gunn, ARRB chief counsel] further inquired.

“Three different directions, at least,” replied McMahon.””

Arthur C. Lundahl was the first director of the NPIC created in 1961.  Dino Brugioni was his “right-hand man” and also watched the Zapruder film.  “In the spring of 2011, I visited Dino Brugioni at his home in Virginia to further discuss the Zapruder film.  I showed him a high-resolution image of the one and only frame in the extant Zapruder film that graphically depicts the fatal head shot, frame 313.  Dino was incredulous there was only one frame of the head explosion – then repeatedly rejected the possibility, based upon what he had personally witnessed when he had viewed the camera-original Zapruder film on Saturday evening, November 23, 1963.  I asked him several times, “Was there more than one frame?”  Dino responded unequivocally there was indeed…”

“As of 2012, Douglas Horne and David Lifton have together established the clear-cut obstruction of justice that took place in the forensic alteration of President Kennedy’s wounds.  No longer speculation, it is now an undeniable fact.”

Mark Lane wrote an article titled, “Oswald Innocent? A Lawyer’s Brief” published in the National Guardian on December 19.  “Lane then reviewed five separate newspaper accounts, including the New York Times, that quoted the Parkland Memorial Hospital doctors who had examined Kennedy’s body – Dr. Kemp Clark, Dr. Malcolm Perry, and Dr. Robert McClelland – all of whom had described the throat wound as “an entrance wound.””

Stricken from history, until now, is an unusual editorial in the Washington Post on December 22, 1963 titled, “US Should Hold CIA to Intelligence.”  He wrote, “For some time I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment.  It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government.  This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas.”  “There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position and I feel we need to correct it.”

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In Chaos, the Charles Manson book, it is casually mentioned that one of the residents of the Tate house, Frykowski, flogged and anally raped a drug smuggler who hung out with him.  In this book, it is casually mentioned that “At a private meeting with reports, according to presidential historian Robert Dallek, President Lyndon Johnson offered his rejoinder [to the question of why were we in Vietnam]: He casually “unzipped his fly, drew out his substantial organ and declared, ‘This is why!’”

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Former CIA contract operative Robert D. Morrow came out with a book in 1992 called First Hand Knowledge.  Morrow claims that he was part of a CIA plot to assassinate JFK.  Morrow claims that his CIA boss, Marshall Diggs told him that “[Mary] Meyer claimed to my friend that she positively knew that [CIA] Agency-affiliated Cuban exiles and the Mafia were responsible for killing John Kennedy.”  He was told to contact Mario Kohly, an anti-Castro Cuban who was allegedly going to be set up as the president of Cuba after removing Castro.  “”Just tell Diggs I’ll take care of the matter,” said Kohly to Morrow.

A week later, Mary Meyer was dead.”

Morrow investigated Meyer’s death, perhaps out of guilt, and toward the end, according to author John Williams, “”Bob told me more and more, ‘I don’t think Kohly did it, I think Angleton did it.’””

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One of the oddest things is the timeline of notifications after Mary’s death.  “How could my father have known anything whatsoever about Mary Meyer’s death that day, unless, of course, he had been involved?  How had he been able to inform both Ben Bradlee [journalist] and Cord Meyer about it hours before the police had identified the victim?  Recall that Mary’s identity hadn’t been established officially until Ben Bradlee identified her in the DC morgue, “sometime after six o’clock in the evening,”…”

“Furthermore, had it been revealed at the trial that CIA official Wistar Janney had called Bradlee to inform him of Mary’s death “just after lunch” – in other words, less than two hours after the murder took place, with Mary’s identity still unknown to police – attorney Dovey Roundtree might have nailed Bradlee as a possible accessory to murder.”

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